"Now THAT'S a Manhattan"

Thank you to Paul Choi for the fun Promo Video for Bar Wars: Asheville Takes Manhattan.

Spirit Savvy presents the 3rd Annual Bar Wars AVL: November 26th through December 5 , (Repeal Day), For this installment, we are celebrating the first modern American cocktail, The Manhattan.The cocktail competition challenges the best bars in the city to create the top Manhattan, with the final four mixologists going to a final mix-off on December 4 at Salvage Station.

Savvy Urban Cocktail Party

Spirit Savvy brings together Asheville's finest bartenders for rooftop soireé.

Guests enjoying the views and lovely Mockingbird Punch by Erin Hawley of MG Road.

Guests enjoying the views and lovely Mockingbird Punch by Erin Hawley of MG Road.

Asheville may be Beer City to the outside world, but its craft cocktail scene brims with innovation and style. Local bartenders and mixologists are not just on-trend—they’re creating the trends for cocktails in the mountains. Mary Rich, founder of beverage-based events company Spirit Savvy and organizer of Asheville Bar Wars, corralled six local stars-behind-the-bar to debut spectacular summer beverages on a sunny downtown rooftop.

Enjoy trying these recipes here:

Riveting Rosey

Jam-jar Daiquiris

Southside Fizz Pops

Strawberry-lime Cordial

Shrub Sodas

Mockingbird Punch

Keeping Asheville Savvy.... by Lauryn Higgins

Here's a fun piece published in our local, Asheville Grit.

Even if you haven’t heard of Mary Rich, you’ve probably seen her.  At five eleven, her strong yet feminine physique is striking and her ease with other people draws you in. She is making Asheville her own, and you should take notice.

Owner of Spirit Savvy, Asheville’s premiere cocktail events company, Rich is making it her duty to showcase the fine cocktails and talented bartenders of Beer City, USA. With an impressive background in many things alcohol, she knows just what she’s doing… and if she doesn’t, she knows something about winging it...

Read more....

Dance with the Green Fairy

Sunday night's event was a blast! Our little 'Absinthe Hideaway' was right on Chicken Alley in the Zahiya Bellydance studio. Cynthia Turner was our Absinthe Maven for the evening, wowing us with beautiful absinthe cocktails from beginning to end. 

Cynthia pouring the Belle Femme- a lovely twist on the Sazerac- with added Aperol and Sweet Vermouth. 


"La Louche"- The process of slowly dripping iced water into absinthe, changing the color from an emerald green to an opalescent, milky green.  Our absinthe fountain was beautiful to watch and let people taste the different styles of absinthe from all corners of the world.

After the first glass of absinthe,  in accordance with all of the lore, the Green Fairy appeared.  She was not only a vision of beauty, but a wealth of knowledge on the spirit.  She has been the muse for many celebrated artists and writers over the last 100 years- I'm sure she has stories...

Photo: Could the Green Fairy be any more beautiful?

Photo by Tracie Acreman

Green Fairy played by filmmaker, Jennifer MacDonald.


Ethereal vision through the absinthe filter...

Photo: Christopher Holt, our resident artist surrounded by fairies.
Photo by Tracie Acreman

Our live artist, Christopher Holt had much inspiration for his creation.

Photo: Beautiful watercolor by Christopher Holt.One of the live Paintings inspired by the Green Fairy!All sales to benefit the Asheville Art Museum.

Christopher's live party scene... Sold on site!  All proceeds benefited the Asheville Art Museum.

A good time was had by all!  For those of you who came, we appreciate your willingness to experiment with this spirit.  We hope you left with a greater appreciation for this Wormwood Delicacy and that you feel more comfortable experimenting with it on your own.

Here are the recipes from the evening:

La Belle Femme (Recipe from Chris Hannah at French 75 in New Orleans)

1.75 oz cognac   

.5 oz Dubonnett Rouge

.5 oz Aperol

.25 oz Absinthe (Kubler)


2 oz Rye Whiskey (Bulleit Rye)

.25 oz Simple Syrup

5 dashes of Peychaud Bitters

Lait de Fee

1 oz Absinthe

.5 oz Aged Rum

.5 oz Simple Syrup

1 Barspoon Vanilla Extract

2 oz Cream                                                                                                           


Our Greatest Adventure


Hello Friends,

Thank you so much for your support.  Spirit Savvy is a dream come true.  As I embark on this new chapter I invite you to come along for the ride.  Creating an event production company to showcase the talent of the makers, the mixers and the movers and shakers in our community will help the world recognize the amazing craft cocktail scene emerging in Asheville and the Appalachian Region as a whole.  We are going to have an amazing time. I will be using this blog to highlight your special something.  I look forward to seeing you at our launch party and many events to come. 
