
Spirit Savvy is a new events company located in Asheville, North Carolina. Our mission is to create experiences showcasing the craft cocktail, innovative mixologists and heritage liquor brands. At Spirit Savvy, we believe that the consumer wants an intimate informative experience around craft cocktails.  We produce creative, inspired events that showcase liquor brands, mixologists and venues to an audience of slow cocktail devotees.  

The re-emergence of the craft cocktail marks a shift in the consumer market. More women are choosing cocktails over wine. There is a new excitement about the history of the cocktail, the art of distilling and barrel aging. Our audience wants more of a connection to what they are eating and drinking- where it comes from and the story behind the product

The savvy consumer wants a relationship with a liquor brand that is informative, enticing and engaging. By creating these happenings, we have an opportunity to inspire more appreciation and education. The celebrity mixologist is the next celebrity chef. Spirit Savvy brings together liquor brands, craft cocktail bars, mixologists and consumer through unique event offerings.

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“Craft cocktail enthusiasts don’t want to be promoted to. They want an experience, an education and a story with which to connect.  There is a huge opportunity to speak directly to this audience in a way that will keep them engaged over time. Spirit Savvy intends to bring these experiences to consumers in North Carolina and beyond.”  Mary Rich